Core Graphics ,也称为 Quartz 2D
,是可用于iOS,tvOS和macOS应用程序开发的高级二维绘图引擎。只要有可能,Quartz 2D就会充分利用图形硬件(Graphics hardware)的能力。
我们可以使用 Core Graphics
抗锯齿渲染(anti-aliased Rendering)
颜色管理(Color and Color Spaces)
离屏渲染(Offscreen Rendering)
透明层(transparency layers)
创建图像和图像蒙板(Bitmap Images and Image Masks)
在iOS中,Quartz 2D
可以与所有可用的图形和动画技术(例如 Core Animation
,OpenGL ES
和 UIKit
在Mac OS X中,Quartz 2D可以与所有其他图形和成像技术一起工作——Core Image
、Core Video
基本概念理解 Graphics Context(图形上下文) Graphics Context
表示绘图的目的地(Drawing Destinations),其目的地可以是应用程序中的窗口、位图图像、PDF文档、打印机等。
Graphics Context
包含绘图所需参数 和 绘图系统执行任何后续绘图命令所需的所有设备特定信息。他定义了基本的绘图属性,例如绘图时使用的颜色、裁剪区域、线宽和样式信息、字体信息、组合选项,以及其他一些属性。Quartz
1 typedef struct CGContext CGContextRef ;
Graphics Context
表示,这是一种不透明的数据类型(opaque data type)。
可以通过 Quartz上下文创建函数、Mac OS X框架、iOS中的UIKit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 class MyQuartzView : UIView { override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () } }
1 2 3 4 extension CGContext { init ?(consumer: CGDataConsumer , mediaBox: UnsafePointer <CGRect >?, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary? ) init ?(_ url: CFURL , mediaBox: UnsafePointer <CGRect >?, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary? ) }
1 2 3 4 public typealias CGBitmapContextReleaseDataCallback = @convention (c ) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer? , UnsafeMutableRawPointer? ) -> Void extension CGContext { init ?(data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? , width: Int , height: Int , bitsPerComponent: Int , bytesPerRow: Int , space: CGColorSpace , bitmapInfo: UInt32 ) }
Quartz 2D不透明数据类型 除了图形上下文之外,Quartz 2D API还定义了各种不透明的数据类型。因为其数据类型属于 Core Graphics 框架,所有命名时都使用CG前缀。Quartz 2D从应用程序操作的不透明数据类型创建对象,以实现特定的绘图输出。
Quartz 2D中可用的不透明数据类型有:CGPathRef
等等,具体可以参看Quartz 2D Opaque Data Types
Graphics States(图形状态) Quartz
根据当前 Graphics States
1 2 3 4 5 let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext ()context?.saveGState() context?.restoreGState()
、Clipping area
、Line: width, join, cap, dash, miter limit
、Anti-aliasing setting
、Color: fill and stroke settings
、Alpha value (transparency)
、Rendering intent
、Color space: fill and stroke settings
、Text: font, font size, character spacing, text drawing mode
、Blend mode
Quartz 2D坐标系 Quartz的默认坐标系如下图,原点位于页面的左下角
Quartz 2D的内存管理 Quartz使用Core Foundation内存管理模型,在该模型中对对象进行引用计数。
Path(路径) 路径定义一个或多个形状或子路径。子路径可以由直线、曲线或两者都组成。它可以打开或关闭。子路径可以是简单的形状,如直线、圆形、矩形或星形,也可以是更复杂的形状。Quartz支持基于路径的绘图。
路径的绘制 给图形上下文构造一个路径时,是通过 context?.beginPath()
来给Quartz发送信号。接着设置路径的第一个点context?.move(to: )
或者 第一个形状,然后就可以在路径上添加直线,圆弧和曲线。在进行下面的操作时,需要注意一下几点:
开始绘制线、弧和曲线时需要通过 move(to:)
当调用 closePath()
1 2 func move (to point: CGPoint) func addLine (to point: CGPoint)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { { let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.beginPath() context?.move(to: CGPoint (x: 0 , y: 50 )) context?.addLine(to: CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 150 )) context?.addLine(to: CGPoint (x: 80 , y: 100 )) context?.closePath() let points = [CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 100 ), CGPoint (x: 150 , y: 100 ), CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 50 )] context?.addLines(between: points) context?.strokePath() }
1 func addArc (center: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat, startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise: Bool)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.beginPath() context?.move(to: CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 100 )) context?.addArc(center: CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 100 ), radius: 50 , startAngle:0 , endAngle: -CGFloat .pi / 2 , clockwise: false ) context?.closePath() context?.strokePath() }
1 2 3 4 5 6 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.beginPath() context?.addArc(center: CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 100 ), radius: 50 , startAngle: 0 , endAngle: CGFloat .pi * 2 , clockwise: true ) context?.strokePath() }
1 2 func addArc (tangent1End: CGPoint, tangent2End: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.beginPath() context?.move(to: CGPoint (x: 0 , y: 100 )) let radius: CGFloat = 100 context?.addArc(tangent1End: CGPoint (x: 0 , y: 0 ), tangent2End: CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 0 ), radius: radius) context?.addArc(tangent1End: CGPoint (x: 200 , y: 0 ), tangent2End: CGPoint (x: 200 , y: 100 ), radius: radius) context?.addArc(tangent1End: CGPoint (x: 200 , y: 200 ), tangent2End: CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 200 ), radius: radius) context?.addArc(tangent1End: CGPoint (x: 0 , y: 200 ), tangent2End: CGPoint (x: 0 , y: 100 ), radius: radius) context?.closePath() context?.strokePath() }
1 func addCurve (to end: CGPoint, control1: CGPoint, control2: CGPoint)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.beginPath() context?.move(to: CGPoint (x: 0 , y: 100 )) context?.addCurve(to: CGPoint (x: 200 , y: 100 ), control1: CGPoint (x: 50 , y: 50 ), control2: CGPoint (x: 150 , y: 150 )) context?.closePath() context?.strokePath() }
1 func addQuadCurve (to end: CGPoint, control: CGPoint)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.beginPath() context?.move(to: CGPoint (x: 0 , y: 100 )) context?.addQuadCurve(to: CGPoint (x: 200 , y: 100 ), control: CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 0 )) context?.strokePath() }
1 2 func addRect (_ rect: CGRect) func addEllipse (in rect: CGRect)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.beginPath() context?.addRect(CGRect (x: 50 , y: 50 , width: 100 , height: 100 )) let rects = [CGRect (x: 0 , y: 50 , width: 50 , height: 50 ), CGRect (x: 100 , y: 0 , width: 50 , height: 50 ), CGRect (x: 150 , y: 100 , width: 50 , height: 50 ), CGRect (x: 50 , y: 150 , width: 50 , height: 50 )] context?.addRects(rects) context?.closePath() context?.addEllipse(in : CGRect (x: 50 , y: 50 , width: 150 , height: 100 )) context?.closePath() context?.strokePath() }
创建路径 如上操作在图形上下文中绘制完路径后,它会从图形上下文中清除。当绘制复杂的场景时,你想重复的使用路径,这就需要Quartz提供的 CGPathRef
和 CGMutablePathRef
类型。通过 CGMutablePath()
创建可变的CGPath对象,并向其中添加直线,圆弧,曲线和矩形。path函数操作CGPath对象,而不是图形上下文。Quartz提供了一组CGPath函数,与 CGContext
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let path = CGMutablePath () path.move(to: CGPoint (x: 50 , y: 50 )) path.addLine(to: CGPoint (x: 150 , y: 50 )) path.addArc(tangent1End: CGPoint (x: 150 , y: 150 ), tangent2End: CGPoint (x: 50 , y: 150 ), radius: 50 ) path.closeSubpath() let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.addPath(path) context?.replacePathWithStrokedPath() context?.strokePath() }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let path = CGMutablePath () path.move(to: CGPoint (x: 50 , y: 50 )) path.addLine(to: CGPoint (x: 150 , y: 50 )) path.addLine(to: CGPoint (x: 150 , y: 150 )) path.addLine(to: CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 150 )) path.addLine(to: CGPoint (x: 50 , y: 150 )) let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.addPath(path) context?.setLineWidth(15 ) context?.setLineCap(CGLineCap .butt) context?.setLineDash(phase: 0 , lengths: [5 , 10 , 15 ]) context?.setStrokeColorSpace(CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB ()) context?.setStrokeColor(UIColor .yellow.cgColor) context?.strokePath() }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let path = CGMutablePath () path.move(to: CGPoint (x: 50 , y: 50 )) path.addLine(to: CGPoint (x: 150 , y: 50 )) path.addLine(to: CGPoint (x: 75 , y: 150 )) let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.addPath(path) context?.setLineWidth(2 ) context?.setStrokeColor(UIColor .black.cgColor) context?.strokePath() context?.stroke(CGRect (x: 100 , y: 100 , width: 50 , height: 50 )) context?.stroke(CGRect (x: 20 , y: 100 , width: 50 , height: 50 ), width: 5 ) context?.strokeEllipse(in : CGRect (x: 0 , y: 0 , width: 50 , height: 100 )) context?.strokeLineSegments(between: [CGPoint (x: 200 , y: 0 ), CGPoint (x: 0 , y: 200 )]) }
填充路径 当填充当前路径时,Quartz
1、 简单的路径具有明确定义的区域,例如:矩形和椭圆
2、 路径由重叠的部分组成,或者如果路径包含多个子路径。则有两个规则用于确定填充区域:
默认的填充规则,称为 nonzero winding number rule (非零环绕数原则)。如果要确定是否应该绘制特定的点,则从该点开始向绘图的边界之外画一条线。从0开始计数,当路径段从左到右穿过这条线时,将计数加1,从右往左则减1。如果最后结果为0,则不绘制该点。否则渲染该点。绘制路径段的方向会影响结果。
奇偶规则(even-odd rule
具体理解可以参考iOS 绘图中的 FillMode 填充模式 中所提供示意图:
如下是 Apple 的官方配图:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let outPath = CGMutablePath () outPath.addArc(center: CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 100 ), radius: 100 , startAngle: 0 , endAngle: CGFloat .pi * 2 , clockwise: true ) let inPath = CGMutablePath () inPath.addArc(center: CGPoint (x: 100 , y: 100 ), radius: 50 , startAngle: 0 , endAngle: CGFloat .pi * 2 , clockwise: true ) let basePath = CGMutablePath () basePath.addPath(outPath) basePath.addPath(inPath) let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.addPath(basePath) context?.setFillColor(UIColor .yellow.cgColor) context?.fillPath(using: .evenOdd) }
Anti-Aliasing(抗锯齿渲染) Anti-Aliasing
和 UIKit
提供的 Graphics Contexts
都支持 anti-aliasing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { var scaleT = CGAffineTransform (scaleX: 1.5 , y: 1.5 ) let path = CGPath (roundedRect: CGRect (x: 25 , y: 25 , width: 100 , height: 100 ), cornerWidth: 20 , cornerHeight: 30 , transform: &scaleT) let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.addPath(path) context?.setShouldAntialias(true ) context?.setAllowsAntialiasing(true ) context?.setStrokeColor(UIColor .black.cgColor) context?.setFillColor(UIColor .red.cgColor) context?.drawPath(using: .fillStroke) }
混合模式(Blend Modes) 混合模式指定 Quartz 如何在背景上着色,其实就是前景图和背景图怎么混合叠加绘制。混合模式影响着绘制。
Quartz默认使用普通的混合模式,该模式使用以下公式将前景色和背景色组合。当颜色的 alpha = 1.0 时,通过下面公式,我们可以得出对于不透明的颜色,当使用普通混合模式进行绘制时,任何在背景之上绘制的内容完全遮挡背景上的绘图。
1 result = (alpha * foreground) + (1 - alpha) * background
可以通过 func setBlendMode(_:)
混合模式是图形状态的一部分。如果在更改混合模式之前使用了函数 context?.saveGState()
,那么调用函数 context?.restoreGState()
如下代码,可以参照 Apple Setting Blend Modes 文档查看混合模式效果。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.beginPath() context?.setFillColor(red: 207 / 255.0 , green: 194 / 255.0 , blue: 141 / 255.0 , alpha: 1.0 ) context?.addRect(CGRect (x: 0 , y: 50 , width: 200 , height: 25 )) context?.fillPath() context?.setFillColor(red: 201 / 255.0 , green: 202 / 255.0 , blue: 204 / 255.0 , alpha: 1.0 ) context?.addRect(CGRect (x: 0 , y: 75 , width: 200 , height: 25 )) context?.fillPath() context?.beginPath() context?.setFillColor(red: 227 / 255.0 , green: 106 / 255.0 , blue: 161 / 255.0 , alpha: 1.0 ) context?.addRect(CGRect (x: 0 , y: 100 , width: 200 , height: 25 )) context?.fillPath() context?.setFillColor(red: 165 / 255.0 , green: 219 / 255.0 , blue: 102 / 255.0 , alpha: 1.0 ) context?.addRect(CGRect (x: 0 , y: 125 , width: 200 , height: 25 )) context?.fillPath() context?.setBlendMode(.normal) context?.beginPath() context?.setFillColor(red: 168 / 255.0 , green: 127 / 255.0 , blue: 180 / 255.0 , alpha: 1.0 ) context?.addRect(CGRect (x: 50 , y: 0 , width: 25 , height: 200 )) context?.fillPath() context?.beginPath() context?.setFillColor(red: 234 / 255.0 , green: 153 / 255.0 , blue: 58 / 255.0 , alpha: 1.0 ) context?.addRect(CGRect (x: 75 , y: 0 , width: 25 , height: 200 )) context?.fillPath() context?.beginPath() context?.setFillColor(red: 62 / 255.0 , green: 148 / 255.0 , blue: 218 / 255.0 , alpha: 1.0 ) context?.addRect(CGRect (x: 100 , y: 0 , width: 25 , height: 200 )) context?.fillPath() context?.beginPath() context?.setFillColor(red: 165 / 255.0 , green: 219 / 255.0 , blue: 102 / 255.0 , alpha: 1.0 ) context?.addRect(CGRect (x: 125 , y: 0 , width: 25 , height: 200 )) context?.fillPath() }
Using Blend Modes With Images iOS中使用blend改变图片颜色
裁剪路径 剪切区域是从一个用作遮罩的路径创建的,它允许您屏蔽页面中不想绘制的部分。Quartz只在裁剪区域内呈现绘制,出现在剪切区域的闭合子路径内的绘制是可见的,发生在剪切区域的封闭子路径之外的绘图是不可见的。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 override func draw (_ rect: CGRect) { let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext () context?.beginPath() let arcCenter = CGPoint (x: rect.size.width / 2 , y: rect.size.height / 2.0 ) context?.addArc(center: arcCenter, radius: 80 , startAngle: CGFloat (0 ), endAngle: CGFloat (Double .pi*2 ), clockwise: false ) context?.addArc(center: arcCenter, radius: 40 , startAngle: CGFloat (Double .pi*2 ), endAngle: CGFloat (0 ), clockwise: true ) context?.closePath() context?.clip(using: .evenOdd) let colorSpace = CGColorSpace (name: CGColorSpace .genericRGBLinear) let components: [CGFloat ] = [1.0 , 0 , 0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ] let locations: [CGFloat ] = [0.3 , 0.8 ] let gradient = CGGradient (colorSpace: colorSpace!, colorComponents: components, locations: locations, count : 2 ) let startPt = CGPoint (x: 0 , y: 0 ) let endPt = CGPoint (x: rect.width, y: rect.height) context?.drawLinearGradient(gradient!, start: startPt, end: endPt, options: .drawsBeforeStartLocation) }
2、将剪切路径设置为 当前剪切路径 与 由指定矩形定义的区域 的交点
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 context?.beginPath() let arcCenter = CGPoint (x: rect.size.width / 2.0 , y: rect.size.height / 2.0 )context?.addArc(center: arcCenter, radius: 50 , startAngle: 0 , endAngle: CGFloat .pi * 2 , clockwise: true ) context?.closePath() context?.clip() context?.clip(to: CGRect (x: arcCenter.x, y: arcCenter.y, width: 100 , height: 100 ))
1 2 3 4 5 6 context?.beginPath() context?.addRect(rect) context?.closePath() context?.clip() context?.clip(to: CGRect (x: 50 , y: 50 , width: 100 , height: 100 ), mask: (UIImage (named: "ear" )?.cgImage!)!)
学习博客 Quartz 2D编程指南
Quartz2D for iOS Sample Code
Color and Color Spaces
Color Management Overview
iOS 2D绘图详解
Quartz 2D(一)概念、图形上下文、路径
Core Graphics 学习(一)